Modern Foreign Languages

We are extremely lucky to have a language specialist at Orrets Meadow....Mr Campbell
“Why learn a Modern Foreign Language at Primary School?”
This is a very common question encountered by Language Teachers...
The new Curriculum 2014 states that all students must be taught a Modern Foreign language to a comprehensive level by Year 6. At Orrets Meadow Primary, we are quite excited about this and see it as a fantastic opportunity to widen our pupils' horizons.

Here are ten really good reasons for learning a Modern Language.. .
1. It's a good age to start
2. Its suitability of primary school environment
3. Our economy needs more people who can speak languages
4. It promotes early fostering of international awareness of other cultures
5. More enthusiasm for life-long language learning
6. Enhance skills with their own language
7. Greater personal self-confidence
8. It's a fantastic help for students with learning difficulties
9.It helps children do better in MFL exams
10. To assist children in later careers
11. Young students LOVE learning another language!
The Languages taught this year will be as follows:
Class 1 - German (Mrs Wright's class)
Class 2 - French (Mrs Billington's class)
Class 3 - French (Miss MacGregor'sclass)
Class 4 - French (Mr Ferrisclass)
Class 5 - German (MrSaul's class)
Class 6 - German (Mrs Tunna'sclass)
Class 7 - German (Miss O'Brien's class)

Remember, your child can download the FREE Linguascope 'Elementary' and 'Beginner' Apps for iPad, Windows & Android tablets for free! Login details are supplied to all students and all they need is a WiFi connection...