How are we spending our PE Funding and what is the impact?

What are we spending our PE funding on?


Estimated Pupil Premium amount - £16,700


Planned Provision

  • CM specialist teacher –1/2day week plus a staff meeting a term - £3500
  • PE Coaching Courses - £1000
  • Pitch Hire - £1300
  • Enrichment activities e.g. Taekwondo, Fencing, Judo etc. - £1000
  • Keeping Healthy and Safe Week - £600
  • YST Membership - £128
  • SHEU survey - £150
  • PE Equipment - £750
  • Reflexology for Mental Health - £3000
  • MH Champions - £495
  • Forest Schools - £4500 (30 weeks)

Total: £16,723

David Saul is the PE leader across the school and holds a TLR for the effective use of the PE funding. As part of his role David writes and presents a report for Governors each term on the impact of the funding. 
These can be downloaded below.
By the end of July 2024 
  • 6/21 pupils within Year 6 could swim competently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m.
  • 5/21 Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations.
  • 5/21 could perform self rescue.