Relationships Curriculum and Policy

We had an assembly led by Mrs Warren about looking after our bodies and the right to say no. We learnt about our private parts and how they belong to us and other should respect this.
Here is the song Pantosaurus which they sang about their bodies. (copy and paste the link into your browser)
Please have a look at our new RSE Policy and if you have any questions or concerns you would like to raise please contact Mrs Warren at school.
Relationships Curriculum
(RSE - Relationships and Sex Education)

Policy Development

The Government has committed to making the health education and relationships education/RSE aspects of PSHE compulsory from September 2020.


This policy was developed by Roz Warren the PSHE Lead, a parent working party, SLT and Teaching staff.

Different views were taken into account when developing this policy and the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programme. The consultation and policy development process involved the following steps:

  1. Review – Roz Warren pulled together all relevant information including relevant national and local guidance.
  2. A parent working party was invited to attend a meeting about the policy and the best way to relay information to parents.
  3. A document went out to all parents giving information about RSE and the adaptations required by law.
  4. Staff consultation – staff were given the opportunity to look at information and make recommendations.
  5. Senior Leadership Team – to look through policy and see if it meets the stated guidelines and checklist provided.
  6. Governor’s consultation – to share information on the policy.
  7. Parent working party to review policy and make recommendations and look at policy against the checklist provided.
  8. Staff consultation to look at final version of policy.
  9. Ratification – once amendments were made, the policy was shared to governors and ratified.

Aims and Objectives of policy

This policy is a working document which provides guidance and information on all aspects of RSE in the school for staff, parents/carers and governors.  To be accessible to all of these groups the document needs to be available on request and presented in a way that is easy to understand. Other related policies and documents include the PSHE & Citizenship policy, Anti-Bullying Policy, Child Protection Policy and the Promoting Race Equality document.


Definition of RSE


RSE is lifelong learning process of acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs and attitudes about sex, sexuality, relationships and feelings (Sex Education Forum 1999). 

Effective RSE can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain relationships.  It also enables young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being.

The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019, made under sections 34 and 35 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017, make Relationships Education compulsory for all pupils receiving primary education. They also make Health Education compulsory in all schools except independent schools. Schools are free to determine how to deliver the content set out in this guidance, in the context of a broad and balanced curriculum.